DEO Siddipet

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Integrated District Offices Complex-Siddipet
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Sri Ranganayaka Sagar-Chinnakodur
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komati Cheruvu - Siddipet
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Mission Bhagiratha-Siddipet
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Government General Hospital-Siddipet
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Kendriya vidyalaya-Siddipet
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Vipanchi Kalanilayam
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Mahathi Auditorium - Gajwel
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Mission Bhagiratha Pylon -Siddipet
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Shanigaram Reservoir
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Integrated District Offices Complex-Siddipet

3 Day Induction training programme to the newly recruited teachers through DSC 2024 from 28-02-2025 to 08-03-2025 Rc. No.873/85/TSS/2025 Date: 27.02.2025


Present: E. Srinivnas Reddy, M.A.M.Ed.

3 Day Induction training programme to the newly recruited teachers through DSC 2024 from 28-02-2025 to 08-03-2025 Rc. No.873/85/TSS/2025 Date: 27.02.2025

Sub: TSS Siddipet Dist. 3 Day Induction training programme to the newly recruited teachers through DSC 2024 in Non Residential Mode at District / Erstwhile district from 28-02-2025 to 08-03-2025 in different spells certain instructions and orders issued-reg.

Ref: SPD, TSS, Hyd. Proc. Rc. No. 347/C&T/SCERT/TG/2024, dated 22-02-2025.

All the Mandal Educational Officers in the district are informed that, the SCERT, TG, Hyderabad has planned an orientation programme for the newly recruited teachers of DSC-2024 across the state. An induction programme gives quality education to the students of Telangana state which includes subject pedagogical strategies, evaluation methods and available technical tools for effective teaching leaming process.

In this regard, Mandal Educational Officers, School Complex Head Masters the Head masters concerned in the district is invited to the subject cited and they are informed to relieve the newly recruited SGTs, School Assistants and DRPs for 3-day Induction training at District / Erstwhile district level sessions.

The schedule for this orientation programme is as follows. Time: 09:00 am to 05:00 pm.

In view of this, the concerned Mandal Educational officers / Complex Head masters / Head masters are instructed to take the following measures

1. Instruct the newly recruited Teachers appointed through DSC 2024 to attend compulsorily without availing any kind of leave.

2. The MEO/ CHM are instructed to arrange the alternative arrangement in place of newly recruited teachers, in case where all teachers from the schools are attending the above said training program for smooth running of the schools.

3. Instruct the teachers to bring 1 to 5 classes all subjects Text books to the training programme.

Receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.

District Educational Officer, & Ex-Officio DPO, TSS, Siddipet District.

1. The Individual concerned.

2. The concerned MEOs in the district.

3. The Complex Head Masters I the district.

4. Copy submitted to the DSE & EO SPD, TSS, Hyderabad for favor of kind information.
